Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Reflective Essay 2

Reflective Essay 2


We faced a lot of difficulties to understanding the others in our life. And the terms stereotype, prejudice and discrimination are often used in our daily conversation. So in this essay am going to explain the stereotype, prejudice and discrimination and show you what the people think about it.
 Firstly, stereotyping means oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person, but that belief may or may not exactly reflect the reality. And for examples many of people think that all Asian people are geniuses and that i think is a positive stereotype, and i will give a negative example about stereotype that the west people think that all Muslims are terrorist.    
Secondly, prejudice means a prejudgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts. And an example of prejudice is when owners of expensive cars can enter and stop anywhere, But owners of normal cars cant.
Thirdly, discrimination means unequal treatment of group or individuals, usually on the basis of gender, race, age or religion. And it’s an action based on stereotype and prejudice. One of the examples of discrimination is younger person is preferred over an older person for many jobs.
In the end, the people should love each other and don’t make any difference between them, and they should respect everyone without regards to his nation, gender or even to his religion because this will generates hatred.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Comments on the video and song lyrics

Comments on the video and song lyrics.



Comment on the video:
It’s nice and funny video and even explains for us some examples of ISMS. So i see in this video some examples of ISMS which is Sexism and Religious bigotry. Sexism when the principle of the school Ms. Courtney  requested the local authority to have a women teacher not a man because she thinks that the male sex has no stamina reverse the female that has more stamina than males. And for Religious bigotry when the teacher Mr. Brown asked from Ranjeet (a devout Punjabi Sikh) to sit next to Ali (Pakistani Muslim) he said it’s impossible; because he’s Sikh and Ali is Muslim.


1) Can you recommend another song which deals with a similar subject?

 - Actually I didn’t find any English song from my experience that deals with a similar subject to this song.
2) Do  you think music can help to unie people?                                                                                                                                                                                                  - I think music’s has a big effect on people and due to that I think the music’s help the people to be unite.

My comment on the song lyrics:
This song gives me hope that maybe one day we can all live with peace and understanding. We need to trying so hard to teach knowledge and try teaching understanding; if we can all do that then we can all truly live happy.   

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Course goal 1 revison

LSS 2053 Course Goal 1 Revision

Answer the following revision questions in paragraphs of about 50 words each. In your answers you should use examples from your own experience where possible.


1.       Which types of Cultural Diversity exist at ADMC? Give an example from each of the ten categories in your table of ten. Say whether each one is a Challenge or a Benefit.
There is a big Cultural Diversity in ADMC, and for example the gender in ADMC there is a male and female and I think this one of the college benefit to get used to each other and this will help them in their work life and marital life. And even you can see religion diversity in ADMC such as Islam, Christian and Hindu, and this is a benefit that make everyone should respect the other religion’s. And also there is a big benefit for the student which it a language diversity, which will make the students learn new language like French or Indian, but most of teachers speaks English so the student can improve his English by talking with the teacher .
2.       Define and give an example of Acculturation.

Is the process which can an individual or group made its way to acquire the cultural qualities of another group through communication or interaction between them . and one of the examples of Acculturation is music. Where people from different cultures listen to music’s for another cultures. Like the Arabs people listen to English music’s.
3.       Explain how child-raising in different cultures can have an effect on personality.

child-raising in different cultures is the difficult job faced the parents nowadays, where the children will be more open than before because of the development of technology so they can learn anything about other cultures whatever its bad or good thing in fast way and this is the big problem that faced the parents in child-raising.
4.       Explain the difference between a “melting pot” and a “garden salad” related to immigration to a country such as UK, USA, Australia for example.

Melting pot is a country where mixes of races, peoples and cultures and the example for that  is USA, that every group comes from other country they don’t see where they come from or who they are they mix them with other groups and erase or forget the old country. And Garden salad is a different cultures mixed together to make a unique culture.  And an example about garden salad is the china town in USA.
5.       How can Multiculturalism have a positive effect on a large company?

Sort of dialogue between different cultures in the community can learn about the other cultures in the community as their customs, traditions and values.  And even the Multiculturalism will make you respect the other cultures and will give the other cultures the freedom and equality between the people.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

What are the Challenges and Benefits of Cultural Diversity?

                           What are the Challenges and Benefits of Cultural Diversity?


     Cultural Diversity is a driving force of development in our country, not only on the level of economic growth, but also it's a way to live a life of intellectual and moral more complete. And cultural diversity contributes to create a dialogue between different civilizations and cultures and achieve mutual respect and understanding between people. And cultural diversity have a benefits and challenges that what i will explain it in my essay.

Firstly, the benefits of Cultural Diversity consist in 4 points.
1st) Learning new languages: because of different people come to our country so we learn new language to deal with them and to understand them.
2nd) Exchange Experience: people come to our country so they have different skills so we have to contact with them to improve our skills.
3rd) Make different relationship: because of having more communicate with the society and to live in peace and meeting new people with different ideas.
4th) Development of economic activity: Serves the interest of the country due to the people where they come to our country they have skills that serve the companies and increase their income.

Secondly, the challenges of Cultural Diversity consist in 3 points.
1st) increase the crimes: because of the cultural diversity the people come to our country with bad habits so they apply it in our country.
2nd) Racism: This big negative point in the cultural diversity because of some society didn’t accept people from different nation.
3rd) Spread of disease: This is a dangerous case of cultural diversity that we should take enough proceeding to protect our self.

 In the end, I think we should solve the challenges of Cultural Diversity and we should awareness the people to have a good society and better life.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Quiz – What are Multiculturalism, Assimilation and Acculturation?

Quiz – What are Multiculturalism, Assimilation and Acculturation?

True or False? If FALSE, write the TRUE answer.


1.       A Multicultural society can be described as a society with a single set of values.
False – described as a society with a multiple  sets of values
2.       A “salad bowl” represents varied and separate cultures.
3.       One aspect of Multiculturalism is respecting different cultures.
4.       Cultural Diversity can be represented by a “melting pot”
False – by a salad bowl
5.       Acculturation means learning the culture of your birth country.
False – learning the culture of host culture


Define in your own words:

1.       “Melting Pot”    a country where mixes of races, peoples, and cultures

2.       “Salad Bowl” leaving together in the same country with keeping your identity.

3.       “Assimilation” observing the new culture and forgetting the original one. 

4.       “Acculturation”  a learning of a new culture

5.       “Enculturation” learning different culture 

Complete the sentence with words from the text:

Acculturation often results in changes to culture, customs and social institutions, as well as changes in food, clothes and language.

Give a synonym:



Give the opposite:

dominant group
Minority group
contrasted with
Compared to


Culture and Personality in Anthropology


Read the section about Culture and Personality in Anthropology. Answer these questions about that section:-

1.       Define “Anthropology” in your own words

-          Is a science that studies the properties of human nature and how to cope in the new environment

2.       Define “movement” in this context

-          movement is the changes of personality by years that effect on the culture

3.       What do you understand by “socialization of children” Give an example

-          Is that the children behave the social and understand how to community with the others.

-          Exampels: School and home

4.       Read this sentence again and give examples of childrearing in different societies and cultures: “socialization creates personality patterns. It helps shape peoples emotions, thoughts, behaviors, cultural values and norms to fit into and function as productive members in the surrounding human society. The study of culture and personality demonstrates that different socialization practices such as childrearing in different societies (cultures) result in different personality types.”

-          Childrearing in Middle East in the past all the fathers when they get a baby they took him to the desert to learn and to be strong.

-          Child Rearing in europe depend on study and to let the baby have fun and respect

5.       Read this sentence again and say to what extent you agree: “all humans are the same when born, but childrearing in different societies causes deviations in behavior and personalities from each other.”

-          i agree because every society has different way to childrearing  and different thinks and different goals.

6.       Reflect on the reading above. Can you see a link between your culture and your personality? Think about that in relation to your own culture first, and then think about personality and culture in a different society. Reflect. Give examples.

-          Yes, I see a link between the culture and my personality. For example am active and sometimes moody and almost of the people in my culture are the same.

And in Japanese society they Respect every one because of their culture.  

Sunday, October 7, 2012

People watching

LSS 2053 Cultural Diversity

People-watching – Reflective task.

Observation Task:

Choose a location such as a café, the Corniche or a mall. Be alone or with a friend.

Sit and look around, and reflect on the scene.

·        Who do you see?

      I see people sitting and chatting together.

·        What do you know about the people, what can you guess?

They are Arabs and some of them are Emiratis

·        What are they doing? Why are they there?

      They are sitting and having chat together and some of them reading the newspaper. They are here because having fun with their friends and their family.

·        How are they interacting with their group or others outside their group?

They listen carefully to each other and show respecting to the others. 

·        How are the people behaving? Are all single men/families/couples behaving in the same way? If not, why and how not? Is the difference culture-based?

They are couples and behaving in the same way

·        Record your observations in notes on your phone/IPad or voice recording.

·        Take photos or a video of the scene (but be aware of sensitivities).