Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ethnocentrism Task






1. On the lines below, write a definition of Ethnocentrism. Find one on the web.


The belief that one’s ethnic or culture group superior than other cultures. Or each group nourishes its own pride and vanity boasts itself superior, exalts its own divinities and looks with contempt on outsiders. For example when Hitler burned and killed millions of Jews because he is Nazi.   
2. Read the cartoon. How is Ethnocentrism reflected in the conversation below?
Write your answer on the lines below.
The carton shows that the cat clearly believes that his own culture is the best one and he does not see why he should bother learning about cultures other than his own.  
 3. Looking at the cartoon characters.
Imagine them in social situations. What kind of people would (would n’t) they associate with? What kind of events (movies, shows) would (would n’t) they prefer to go? Think of other situations.
Describe Bucky
Bucky clearly does not care about anyone other than himself. And he only associate with people from his culture and he will go to events that only related to his culture.
Describe the man talking with Bucky. Let’s call him Tom

Tom likes to know about other cultures and willing to associate with other different cultures and try to learn from the other cultures.

4. Drawing Ethnocentrism.
On a separate sheet of paper, make a drawing of Ethnocentrism. You don’t have to draw well.


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